Saturday, December 27, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Fit Fab Fuel Christmas Exchange

Today is the day for the big present reveal & blog link up! If you know me in real life, you know that I actually like waiting to open my presents, so even though my package got here Friday, I didn't open it until this morning. I was paired with Lesley, from Kansas. She's a fellow dog-lover, and as I discovered when I opened my package this morning she's also a fellow tea-drinker!
For the winter fuel portion of the swap, she sent me several packages of Celestial Seasonings tea, including a couple of flavors I haven't tried yet, so I'm looking forward to those. She also recommends touring their factory near Boulder if you're ever in the area. Kevin & I like that sort of thing, so I hope we get the chance.
In addition to the tea, Lesley sent me some granola bars and some Lara Bars. I have never tried Lara Bars, but I hear lots of good things about them, so there's another treat I'm looking forward to. Side note: as I was checking out the Lara Bar website to link here, I noticed they have Gingerbread as a seasonal flavor. If I like these as much as my friends do, I will have to look for that one in the stores.
Finally, for the fabulous ornament portion of the swap, just check out this handcrafted ornament a friend of Lesley's made! Pages from a hymnal, a champagne cork... It's almost like she knows me - this is perfect & I love it!
This swap was a lot of fun. If it sounds fun to you too, be sure & check out the host blogs as they plan to do it again next year.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Gobble Gallop 2014 Recap
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Swag + Door Prize |
This year's shirt is pretty cute too, and we got some other good swag as well. Headphones, chewing gum, chapstick, and waived registration fees for joining the Y are all pretty great freebies. This race doesn't offer finisher's medals, but race fees are really low so it's still a great deal. One improvement the Y made over last year was holding the pre-race announcements in the gym. Last year they did the announcements while we were lined up outside, where it was hard to hear, plus that left us out in the cold a lot longer. And it was even colder this year, so we were glad to be inside while we waited.
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It's only cold when you're standing still |
People paid a little more attention to the pacing signs when they lined up this year, so there were not as many walkers to dodge on the narrow trail. I felt really great, even with the cold weather. I would say last year's winter training has really benefited me, as I no longer struggle breathing and running when it's cold. My finish time of 34:59 was not a new PR, but it was 53 seconds faster than last year's time, plus I just felt better for the entire run. Jana took this pic of me smiling as I approached the finish line.
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Pic by Jana Gearries |
I definitely recommend this race if you are looking for one on Thanksgiving in the Indy area next year. And be sure to stick around for the door prize drawings! See also my review on BibRave.
Don't forget: use discount code TERHAZELIN for the Santa Hustle in Indy and save $5!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
My Shoes Won a Race Without Me
No, my shoes didn't become possessed and take off running on their own, although if we ever add a Fiction section to this blog that might be a good short story idea.
I volunteered last weekend at Girls on the Run 5K. Girls on the Run is a great organization. They train girls 8-13 to run a 5K, while teaching life skills and developing self confidence and an appreciation for healthy activities. I knew it would be a lot of fun to see these girls run their first race, and it was!
It was 16 degrees on Saturday, so I bundled up. Dressing to volunteer at a race is not at all like dressing to run one. If you are debating whether you might need an extra layer, the answer is yes, you will. Runners often say "It's only cold if you're standing still", and you are standing still a lot when you volunteer. So add that extra layer, and go ahead and throw a blanket or two in the car just in case.
I was stationed at packet pickup, and shortly before race time I heard the announcer say that someone was in need of women's size 8 running shoes if anyone had any they could borrow. I wear size 8 shoes. I was wearing my Nike Livestrong shoes, which I don't usually run in, but they are running shoes. I use them for walking or biking, since I need running shoes with a bit more support. Since I never bothered to take my snow boots out of the car at the end of last winter, I changed into my boots and offered up my shoes to the runner in need.

I had no more volunteer duties, so I joined Jeanette to watch and cheer for the runner girls and their running buddies. There were lots of tutus, crazy colored socks, and funny hats. There were also lots of families running together, which was really neat to see.
As we moved over to the finish line, the announcer stopped us and told us that my shoes were in the lead. Sure enough, the first runner around the corner was Britany wearing my shoes (pictured, right). She hung back at the finish to let the Girl on the Run she was with finish first, since the race is really all about the Girls. Her time was 24:54:9 - the fastest any of my shoes have ever run a 5K. Maybe next year I'll try to beat my shoes, but for now that's the house record.
So What Did Happen?

It was 16 degrees on Saturday, so I bundled up. Dressing to volunteer at a race is not at all like dressing to run one. If you are debating whether you might need an extra layer, the answer is yes, you will. Runners often say "It's only cold if you're standing still", and you are standing still a lot when you volunteer. So add that extra layer, and go ahead and throw a blanket or two in the car just in case.
What About Those Shoes?

I had no more volunteer duties, so I joined Jeanette to watch and cheer for the runner girls and their running buddies. There were lots of tutus, crazy colored socks, and funny hats. There were also lots of families running together, which was really neat to see.
A New PR? I Wish
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Winners! |
Hug a Runner! Share the Sweat!
Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day, aka G.O. H.A.R.D., is tomorrow, November 20th. You can register for the virtual race for only $5.95, all of which goes to support Girls on the Run, and you'll be entered to win some fun prizes as well! Find out more about the virtual race and other fun ways to participate in Hug a Runner Day at, November 12, 2014
Marathon Number 2
Sorry the delay in my post, but I kinda wanted a few days just to soak this in for myself. I haven't really talked about it a lot because its hard to describe how I feel, so lets see how I do.
A group of 6 of us decided early last spring to run the Savannah Rock and Roll Marathon. 5 of us ran Charleston together, with the addition of our friend Keisha Rathbone, whose husband was already part of our group. We decided to follow the same plan as before even though it was a first timers plan. Because of all my teaching, the three running days a week are easier for me to follow without overtraining. ok......hahahaha I overtrain.
My training went really well, all my long runs went faster and easier than the time before. We also used lots of long trail races as our long runs, making the training more fun as well. Unfortunately, I also suffered from lots of leg cramps and a back injury, so I had some really good, and really poor races along the way. A month before the marathon I realized I was worrying so much about times and pr's that I was loosing my bliss, so I made the decision to enjoy running first and foremost. The Cherokee Half was my first race getting this back and I love it.
It was very cold at the beginning of the race, about 40, but was supposed to warm up to mid 60's during run. I was layered well, but did have on shorts. Everyone knows I always freeze so my muscles were really tight all morning. From the first mile I could tell that I would be fighting leg problems this race, I've felt it before, I know. My hope was it would hold out as long as possible, the end of the race please? I ran the first 12ish miles with my friend Alice. I knew I wouldn't be able to hang with her the whole race because she is able to kick it in last half much better than me, but we held together good until the split. I did, however, push how fast I had planned on starting, but I really didn't want to run alone, and then I decided, well, it is a race, push it a little. By pushing I mean I hit my 9:40 and then 9:30 pace quicker than I had planned.
At about mile 14 or 15 my legs were fighting cramping everywhere. At this point we also entered the Savannah State University Campus. These students lined the campus everywhere, cheering us on, singing, giving us high fives. When we ran around the track they were lined up all around, cheerleaders were there, athletes, and someone over the loud speaker cheering us on. It gave you chills. I stopped after this to loosen and stretch quickly, but I think I should have done that sooner. At mile 20, right inner thigh completely locked up. I mean, you could see the cramp sticking out of my leg. I was across the road from a med station. I debated, and then decided to visit the med tent. They gave me salt, not much because I was also using Gatorlytes, I massaged and iced my legs, while I watched the 4:15 and 4:30 pace groups go by. At this point, I knew I would just be finishing this race, but I was going to finish this race. Sprayed down with Bio Freeze I started back.
The last 6.2 miles are kind of a blur, the pain, a few steps walked and then the determination to finish strong. These 3 stages repeated the whole last 10k. This is when I turned on my music, but sometimes their bands or music were so good I would turn it off.
At mile 25, I ran up to one more medic tent, grabbed salt Gatorade, sprayed my legs with bio freeze and vowed to not stop again. And I didn't. I was so afraid I would lock up again, but I continued to pick up my pace, slowly haha. At 26 miles when I entered the finishers chute I was extatic. I finished the race, on my own!!! Best .2 miles of the race.
Normally, old me, would have obsessed about the slower finish time. 4:54 and some change where last time I was 4:33, I would have obsessed about the speed I started with, or should I have worn my older shoes, etc etc etc. Of course I wish I had been faster and not hurt as bad, but how can you not be proud when you just ran 26.2 frickin miles. It wasn't a fluke, it wasn't a one time thing, I AM A MARATHONER! This race was harder that Charleston by far, I hurt more during and after, but I learned more about myself this time. I can do this...I am strong,.. I am determined.... I want to see how far I can push myself. And I love this crap. Will I do another marathon, why yes I will.........
AFTER I RUN MY FIRST ULTRA IN JANUARY. Stay tuned to my insanity
A group of 6 of us decided early last spring to run the Savannah Rock and Roll Marathon. 5 of us ran Charleston together, with the addition of our friend Keisha Rathbone, whose husband was already part of our group. We decided to follow the same plan as before even though it was a first timers plan. Because of all my teaching, the three running days a week are easier for me to follow without overtraining. ok......hahahaha I overtrain.
My training went really well, all my long runs went faster and easier than the time before. We also used lots of long trail races as our long runs, making the training more fun as well. Unfortunately, I also suffered from lots of leg cramps and a back injury, so I had some really good, and really poor races along the way. A month before the marathon I realized I was worrying so much about times and pr's that I was loosing my bliss, so I made the decision to enjoy running first and foremost. The Cherokee Half was my first race getting this back and I love it.
It was very cold at the beginning of the race, about 40, but was supposed to warm up to mid 60's during run. I was layered well, but did have on shorts. Everyone knows I always freeze so my muscles were really tight all morning. From the first mile I could tell that I would be fighting leg problems this race, I've felt it before, I know. My hope was it would hold out as long as possible, the end of the race please? I ran the first 12ish miles with my friend Alice. I knew I wouldn't be able to hang with her the whole race because she is able to kick it in last half much better than me, but we held together good until the split. I did, however, push how fast I had planned on starting, but I really didn't want to run alone, and then I decided, well, it is a race, push it a little. By pushing I mean I hit my 9:40 and then 9:30 pace quicker than I had planned.
At about mile 14 or 15 my legs were fighting cramping everywhere. At this point we also entered the Savannah State University Campus. These students lined the campus everywhere, cheering us on, singing, giving us high fives. When we ran around the track they were lined up all around, cheerleaders were there, athletes, and someone over the loud speaker cheering us on. It gave you chills. I stopped after this to loosen and stretch quickly, but I think I should have done that sooner. At mile 20, right inner thigh completely locked up. I mean, you could see the cramp sticking out of my leg. I was across the road from a med station. I debated, and then decided to visit the med tent. They gave me salt, not much because I was also using Gatorlytes, I massaged and iced my legs, while I watched the 4:15 and 4:30 pace groups go by. At this point, I knew I would just be finishing this race, but I was going to finish this race. Sprayed down with Bio Freeze I started back.
The last 6.2 miles are kind of a blur, the pain, a few steps walked and then the determination to finish strong. These 3 stages repeated the whole last 10k. This is when I turned on my music, but sometimes their bands or music were so good I would turn it off.
At mile 25, I ran up to one more medic tent, grabbed salt Gatorade, sprayed my legs with bio freeze and vowed to not stop again. And I didn't. I was so afraid I would lock up again, but I continued to pick up my pace, slowly haha. At 26 miles when I entered the finishers chute I was extatic. I finished the race, on my own!!! Best .2 miles of the race.
Normally, old me, would have obsessed about the slower finish time. 4:54 and some change where last time I was 4:33, I would have obsessed about the speed I started with, or should I have worn my older shoes, etc etc etc. Of course I wish I had been faster and not hurt as bad, but how can you not be proud when you just ran 26.2 frickin miles. It wasn't a fluke, it wasn't a one time thing, I AM A MARATHONER! This race was harder that Charleston by far, I hurt more during and after, but I learned more about myself this time. I can do this...I am strong,.. I am determined.... I want to see how far I can push myself. And I love this crap. Will I do another marathon, why yes I will.........
AFTER I RUN MY FIRST ULTRA IN JANUARY. Stay tuned to my insanity
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Indianapolis Monumental Half Marathon Recap
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photo by Kathy Helmond |
My Monumental History
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2012 |
I was not planning to run this year's Monumental. I had such bad memories of the 2012 race that I didn't want to repeat it, even though I know how to layer and breathe in the cold now. Although most of the ladies in my fall training program were training for one of the Monumental races, I said after the Hendricks County Half Marathon in September that I was just going to take it easy until mid-November, when it would be time to start training again.
Half Marathon Training,
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Marathon Motivation

Laura finished in 4:54:32, and Mark finished in 4:37:50. Great finish times! I can't wait to hear all about it!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
PlowOn Gum Review
PlowOn Gum is caffeinated energy gum, designed to boost your energy before a workout. The gum comes in packs of five pieces, and the instructions say to chew one piece for five minutes, and if you aren't feeling energized within fifteen minutes to chew one more piece. According to the label, one piece has 100 mg of caffeine, or about the same amount as a cup of coffee or an energy drink. It also contains taurine, ginseng, and green tea extract, with spearmint for flavoring.
I won three packs of the gum in a giveaway from another site I follow: Melinda's Weight Loss Journey. I gave one pack to Josh to try, since he likes energy supplements when he works out. He reported back to me that he chewed some before playing football with his friends, and that it was "pretty intense". When I questioned him later after I had tried it too, I found out he actually chewed three pieces at once when he was already "hyped up" to play football.
I won three packs of the gum in a giveaway from another site I follow: Melinda's Weight Loss Journey. I gave one pack to Josh to try, since he likes energy supplements when he works out. He reported back to me that he chewed some before playing football with his friends, and that it was "pretty intense". When I questioned him later after I had tried it too, I found out he actually chewed three pieces at once when he was already "hyped up" to play football.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Teresa's weekend: Great Pumpkin Run and Tarheel Service Day
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From Colts cheerleader to Roaming Advocate |
The Great Pumpkin Run
This is a Fall/Halloween themed trail run at The Appleworks in Trafalgar, IN. I thought about doing it last year, but I didn't really want to drive all the way down there by myself. It seemed like a race that would be more fun with friends, and I didn't really have many runner friends back then. But now I do, and happily several of them wanted to do this race too. It was a total blast! Jana & Erin made super-cute Batman & Robin costumes complete with tutus, while Mel, Becky, Kathy, Alyssa & I went as Colts cheerleaders. (Side note: I am a big fan of Sparkle Athletic's Sparkle Skirts for cosrunning. I think they look great, and they are extremely comfortable too.)
Monday, October 13, 2014
Baby sis had a first (and probably last) this past weekend!
Last year when I ran this race, I was near the end of my Couch to 5K training, and this year I have been quite slack on my training. No true goals, I discovered during this run, is something that I need to change very soon. But I am not using it as an excuse...sometimes life just gets in the way, and that is okay. So lack of training on my part and not really paying attention to pace lately was one reason I didn't improve.
Another reason I feel I didn't improve over last year's race is the weather. Last year this race was in November, and I recall it being cool enough that I wore several layers, including long sleeves. This past Saturday the temperature was in the high 60's and over 90% humidity and quite sunny. I really thought I was done with high humidity running. I should have hydrated a little better beforehand.
In addition to better hydration, I still need to figure out how to better fuel myself for morning races. I am an afternoon/evening runner, and so I have no problem eating enough during the day for those runs. I think I am doing fine with the meal I eat the night before, but I am still working on knowing how much I need to eat in the morning and how much time before the event is best for taking advantage of the energy. first? Unfortunately for the 2 students this event raises scholarship money for, the attendance for this race wasn't all that great. But I did benefit from the low participation. I finished 3rd in my age group, earning me a $25 gift certificate from Sole Dimensions! Yay for me! I'll take placing in a race any way that I can!
Up next for me is Wicked 10K on 10/25. My first 10K, but I already know I will be run/walking it, so there should be no disappointment. Stay tuned...
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Overheard at the Chocoholic Frolic
Chocolate Swag |
Mmmm Chocolate
Last Sunday I ran the Chocoholic Frolic 10K, at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. While I don't think we got quite as much chocolate as we were promised, it was a fun race with some nice swag. Pictured at left is what I received at packet pickup. After the race, instead of finisher's medals we got candy bars. And there was a chocolate fountain, with bananas, cookies & pretzels for dipping. Yum!A New PR!
Although I have run this distance many times in training, this was the first time I've raced an official 10K, so it was an automatic PR. But I also consider it a real PR. My 5K PR is 34:38, and twice that is 1:09:16. I ran this race in 1:08:45! I didn't hear THE VOICE until mile 5, when it tried to tell me I had done just fine & it was okay to slow down a little now. Whatever, voice! So I sped up, & my splits show that last mile was my fastest.Monday, September 22, 2014
Three 5Ks in 48 Hours
I didn't exactly mean to sign up for three 5K's within 48 hours of each other. It just sort of happened. But I didn't run myself into the ground, I didn't get injured, and they were all a lot of fun. Plus I think I learned something important about why I haven't gotten much faster.
Thursday evening it was in the low 60's, and I thought if I had any chance of a new PR it would be at this race. As it turns out, I came really close. I might have done it if it had been chip start & finish, instead of gun start & chip finish. I also might have done it if I hadn't slowed down around mile 2, thinking I could push more at the end if I gave myself a slight break in the middle. More on that later.
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Channeling my inner Starbuck, photo by CCRG |
Merrell 5K Summer Series # 3
This race was on Thursday evening at the Monon Center in Carmel, same place as the first two. Our Indy Women's Fall Training group did all 3 of these as part of our training, and they were all a lot of fun. The course is really pretty, and has some slight elevation changes to make it challenging.![]() |
Close, but no PR |
Thursday evening it was in the low 60's, and I thought if I had any chance of a new PR it would be at this race. As it turns out, I came really close. I might have done it if it had been chip start & finish, instead of gun start & chip finish. I also might have done it if I hadn't slowed down around mile 2, thinking I could push more at the end if I gave myself a slight break in the middle. More on that later.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Weekend Recap: 2 Sisters = 28.1 Miles
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The Rollinses Win Again! |
Badass Winners of Big Ol' Mugs
Laura & Mark ran in the Bays Mountain 15 Mile Trail Race on Saturday in Kingsport, TN. They were a bit nervous about the weather as there was a chance of storms, but it turned out okay. They did get a bit of rain, but no lightning or thunder.Laura finished in 3:14:02, with a pace of 12:57, and won third in her age group!
Mark finished in 2:37:31 with a blistering pace of 10:31 and won second in his age group!
Friend Alice also had an impressive finish at 3:12:38 with a pace of 12:51.
A New Half Marathon PR
I ran in the Hendricks County Half Marathon, a wonderful little race and the runniversary of my very first half marathon. It was 47, cloudy & very windy. I wished I'd worn long sleeves, as I was cold for over half the race. Other than the cold, however, I felt great. I was nervous-excited, but I felt ready. My knees didn't hurt at all, and at the end I really felt like I could keep going for a couple more miles. I finished in 2:45:55, which is 4 minutes & 13 seconds faster than I finished this same race last year, and 9 whole seconds faster than I ran the Mini in May. A new PR!This race is only in it's third year, so it's still pretty small, but I bet it grows quickly as word gets out. It's a great course: well marked; with some slight inclines (Hoosiers probably call them hills); nice straight county roads with pretty views; and wonderful volunteers at water/Gatorade stops every mile. I am of course partial to the stop at mile 1 & 11 manned by Living Faith Church, but the one with the cheerleaders was pretty fun too.
My only complaint would be that the pictures aren't free this year. I looked at the proofs, & I really like them. Especially the one that caught me with both feet off the ground, so I look like I'm floating. It would cost $12.99 to download it, though, and that's half the cost of doing another race. Picture of me running versus me actually running? We all know which one I'm choosing.
Coming Up
This week I have three 5K's within 48 hours. First up, the Merrell Summer Series #3 on Thursday evening in Carmel. Then the Arsenal 5K on Saturday morning at Arsenal Tech High School, and finally the Chateau Thomas Winery 5K on Saturday afternoon in Plainfield. Perhaps I was a little overambitious scheduling all three of these. The Arsenal 5K isn't chip-timed, so it will not be a 5K PR attempt. The other two races are, and the weather is supposed to be in the 60's both days, so good running weather.Laura has the Rock the Quarry 5K trail run this Saturday - a repeat of one of her favorite races and one in which she placed last year. Expect to see another picture of her with yet another award.
Race Discounts!
If you'd like to run the Chateau Thomas Winery 5K or 10K this Saturday, go HERE to sign up, use discount code FBFRIEND, and say you were referred by Teresa Hazel to save $5!If you'd like to run the Santa Hustle 5K or Half Marathon in Indianapolis on 12/21, go HERE to register and use discount code TERHAZELIN to save $5!
Monday, September 8, 2014
Ketchup Post
I Am A Spartan
One of my friends told me about the Spartan Workout Tour, a free group workout designed to teach you how to train for a Spartan Race. I've never done a Spartan Race - they look pretty hard core - but the workout was free and included a free t-shirt. So how could I say no?
Half Marathon Training,
Obstacle Course,
Thursday, September 4, 2014
September Races
I've just updated my September races, and yes, I am racing every weekend in September. The first two weekends are going to be incredibly hard trail races, 18.6 and 15 miles, but they work out good mileage wise in my Marathon training. Sometimes its just easier to race for some of the long runs, and since its trail I won't be running too fast and I will be getting amazing training. The third weekend is a tough but short trail race through the rock quarry in Black Mountain, NC. Placed last year so I'm hoping for a repeat. Last weekend is the Sunset Stampede weirdly this year moved from an evening race to morning and from spring to fall.??. Anyway, this race is the one where my running buddy Alice and I started running together. Since then its been who knows how many races including about 7 half marathons and 1 full, plus the Cradle to the Grave 30K ( and the next two weekends too). Guess that's our crazy runniversary. :)
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Ice Bucket Challenge, part 2
I know it's been more than a week since Cindy challenged me, but punctuality has never been a strong suit for me. I finally did my ice bucket challenge this morning when I got home from the Spartan Workout, definitely in need of a shower.
I am making my donation to Water Wells for Africa, an organization that builds water wells in rural Africa to provide access to clean water for those who do not have it. Many people either use unsanitary water or walk hours a day to obtain clean water.
Laura's next to complete the Ice Bucket Trifecta. As a bonus, if you check out our Facebook page you can see our Daddy do the Ice Bucket Challenge with the North Canton Fire Department!
I am making my donation to Water Wells for Africa, an organization that builds water wells in rural Africa to provide access to clean water for those who do not have it. Many people either use unsanitary water or walk hours a day to obtain clean water.
Laura's next to complete the Ice Bucket Trifecta. As a bonus, if you check out our Facebook page you can see our Daddy do the Ice Bucket Challenge with the North Canton Fire Department!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
The Unlikely Triathletes or Team Badass Librarians
by Guest Blogger Kathy Helmond
My first (and likely only)
venture into the world of triathlons came last Saturday at the Go Girl
Triathlon at Eagle Creek. This all-women
event provided a great way to try something new and be surrounded by inspiring
women athletes. Long a fan of the Kona
Ironman specials on television, the triathlon is a challenge that this shaky
swimmer will probably never attempt, but I love to watch others giving their
all to this three event race. I am
always moved to tears watching the men and women in the Hawaii heat and wind
overcoming obstacles and persevering to the end.
A co-worker (Penny) of mine
competed in some triathlons with Team in Training some years back (pre-knee replacement)
and we sort of fantasized about doing it as a team “someday.” One day during one of these conversations
another co-worker (Carrie) joined in the conversation and revealed that she was
a swimmer in high school. That was all
we needed to decide that the idea could become a reality! Before we could talk ourselves out of it, we
signed up for the Go Girl Triathlon and Team Badass Librarians was formed! The name was obviously tongue in cheek for
this 2/3 middle aged, past our prime team.
But we had a lot of fun anticipating it all summer. As life usually does, things came up for all
three team members and training was not what it should’ve been!
Friday, August 22, 2014
Ice Bucket Challenge
Baby sister has given her older siblings the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. What will they do?
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Race Tomorrow
Whoops, forgot to inform the masses, Mark and I have finally after years of trying, found a race during our vacation. We are on Oak Island, NC, and will be doing a 5k right next door on Bald Head Island. Cars are not allowed on the island, so we will ferry over and take a tramto the race. All the money goes to the Turtle Conservatory there.
Because of the heat and half of the race being on the beach, I dont expect a pr, in fact I have a feeling this race is gonna be tough on the old legs. Cant wait.
tomorrow should be an adventure....wish us luck
Because of the heat and half of the race being on the beach, I dont expect a pr, in fact I have a feeling this race is gonna be tough on the old legs. Cant wait.
tomorrow should be an adventure....wish us luck
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Huma Chia Energy Gels....and Stuff
Huma Chia Energy Gel
Normally I prefer chews over gels for fueling on long runs, but recently I tried a Huma Chia Energy Gel, and it just might convert me to a gel gal. Laura & Mark really like these, and Laura gave me a Blueberries gel to try last time I saw her. She said the Chia seeds help you stay hydrated, and the flavor of all the gels is incredibly delicious. As usual, she is right.- Flavor - It tasted like blueberry pie filling, not overly sweet or tart, just perfect.
- Texture - This had the best texture of any gel I've tried. Maybe it was the chia seeds giving it a more substantial feel, but it really made me feel like I'd eaten something, even while it still went down very smoothly.
- Energy - I took this gel at the halfway point of my 8 mile run last week. I did feel my energy pick up, and I stayed steady through the end of my run.
- Packaging - The package opened easily when I was ready to eat it. I tried to squeeze every single bit of gel out of the package & into my mouth, but I still left a little behind that stained my bag just a smidge (there was no trash can nearby).
I give this gel an A+, and I can't wait to try the other flavors (Mangoes, Apples & Cinnamon, and Strawberries).
Santa Hustle Discount Code
If you are planning to run the Santa Hustle Half Marathon or 5K in Indianapolis on December 21, register with code TERHAZELIN to save $5 off the regular price.
New Blog Design
Let us know what you think of the new look for our blog?
Sunday, August 10, 2014
5K PR Watch
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Photo by CCRG |
My first attempt to better my PR was last Thursday, at the 1st Merrell Summer Series 5K in Carmel. This was a fun race, starting and ending at the Monon Center and running along the trails and roads nearby. It was a very pretty course running along some waterways and by lots of wildflowers. Some of my Indiana friends thought it was hilly, but my North Carolina friends would say it had a couple of slight inclines.
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Photo by Carmel Road Racing Group |

I can't feel bad about that, though. I ran really hard, pushing myself more than I normally do, and I still felt good at the end. I really enjoyed the run, too. The weather was gorgeous, and it was warm but not hot, and it was fun to cheer my friends on and be cheered on by them in return. I am really looking forward to the next race, on August 28. Hopefully as the weather cools off I will be able to find a little more speed.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Eagle Creek Trail Quarter Marathon 2014
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Finish Line Face, photo by Planet Adventure Races |
This race was so much fun!
I am definitely hooked on trail running now. I didn't have a particular goal for this race since I'd never done one before. I knew I could run 6.5 miles on flat pavement in about 1:18-1:20, and I expected this would take me longer but I didn't know how much. So I just set out to run at a comfortable pace and finish strong, which I did. My official time was 1:37:57:1, and while I was tired afterwards I was by no means wiped out. My splits also show that my last mile was my 2nd fastest, after my first mile, which makes sense given that the most challenging trails were in the middle.Sunday, July 20, 2014
The Scream and the End of a Bad Streak
I had several goals for this race...but I had one main goal and that was really my complete
focus...break the 2 hour mark. That would fulfill another goal, a pr. But I didn't want to just pr because I could do that and still be over 2. My pr at the time was 2 hrs 3 minutes. If I could break 2, my heart would be supremely happy if I could break the 9 minute mile average.
For those of you who know me, or have followed my scant blogs, know that the half marathon is my Achilles heel. I've found my 5, 8 and 10k groove. I'm happy with my 30k and marathon times. But the haunts me. My pr was actually the second half I ever ran, and Ive run over 10 so I've been frustrated. Of course the trail halfs I've run I didn't expect to pr at, but I've been plagued with illness, injury, bonking, bad race conditions, or my head defeating me before I began. Ive gotten to where I get nervous just thinking about running a half.
Yesterday my husband and I took on The Scream half marathon in Jonas Ridge, NC. It is a mostly winding dirt road with a lot of downhill action, but believe me, its not all downhill. And downhill is not all its cracked up to be. Most of the downhill was gradual and the road was hair pin turns. It turns out no matter what the terrain, 13.1 miles is 13.1 miles, which is never easy to run..and once you hit the uphills or straight aways, they seemed like mountains and your legs would scream from having to work a different way.
All that being said, it was a beautiful race. Too bad the weather wasn't. Rain the whole time, at several times almost torrential, and this was under the cover of trees. At least that blocked the wind. It was also in the 50s the whole time. During the race it was perfect, but before and after..brr. The more it rained, the slicker the dirt and gravel became, and the mud, especially the last mile and a half, became hard to pick up your feet and keep any kind of pace going.
Gotta love my husband, he let me know the day before race that he planned on running with me, trying to help push me and keep my pace. The plan was one warm up mile and then go for it. I was going to find a pace I felt I could hold between 8:30 and 8:50 and he would help me hold it. All was going good, holding at 8:40. At about 5 miles, Mark needed to make a pit stop, always a plus of racing in the woods, and told me to hold my pace and he would catch u and wait for him to catch up. A little uphill in the middle and then another crappier section between 9 and 11 ish, but I kept on pushing and pushing, barely slowing down at all. Then my gps goes out and I had no idea of my pace anymore so I tried to keep up with my breathing and steps. Then my biggest fear, after 11 miles it started evening out, which is really hard after everything else, and the mud was sticky and impossible. Fatigue started to set in and I lost some of my pace. Finally, at 12.5 Mark caught me and pushed me the last little bit, When I came towards the finish and saw the clock I knew if I pushed it I could hit every goal.
Race time 1:56:45, but they only had gun time. Watch time 1:55:58. Because I'm so competitive with myself I briefly got annoyed I had lost it on the last mile. Then I made myself realize, if you shoot for a pr, you are risking loosing it at the end, that's a risk and part of racing. I made it longer than I ever had before loosing it, and.....I just ran 13.1 miles faster that I ever have. Now how can I be disappointed in that.
So, lets celebrate with cookies and pie and fancy coffee drinks (so sue me, I crave sweets when I distance run) and then lets hit it again Monday. 16 weeks from marathon number 2
focus...break the 2 hour mark. That would fulfill another goal, a pr. But I didn't want to just pr because I could do that and still be over 2. My pr at the time was 2 hrs 3 minutes. If I could break 2, my heart would be supremely happy if I could break the 9 minute mile average.
For those of you who know me, or have followed my scant blogs, know that the half marathon is my Achilles heel. I've found my 5, 8 and 10k groove. I'm happy with my 30k and marathon times. But the haunts me. My pr was actually the second half I ever ran, and Ive run over 10 so I've been frustrated. Of course the trail halfs I've run I didn't expect to pr at, but I've been plagued with illness, injury, bonking, bad race conditions, or my head defeating me before I began. Ive gotten to where I get nervous just thinking about running a half.
Yesterday my husband and I took on The Scream half marathon in Jonas Ridge, NC. It is a mostly winding dirt road with a lot of downhill action, but believe me, its not all downhill. And downhill is not all its cracked up to be. Most of the downhill was gradual and the road was hair pin turns. It turns out no matter what the terrain, 13.1 miles is 13.1 miles, which is never easy to run..and once you hit the uphills or straight aways, they seemed like mountains and your legs would scream from having to work a different way.
All that being said, it was a beautiful race. Too bad the weather wasn't. Rain the whole time, at several times almost torrential, and this was under the cover of trees. At least that blocked the wind. It was also in the 50s the whole time. During the race it was perfect, but before and after..brr. The more it rained, the slicker the dirt and gravel became, and the mud, especially the last mile and a half, became hard to pick up your feet and keep any kind of pace going.
Gotta love my husband, he let me know the day before race that he planned on running with me, trying to help push me and keep my pace. The plan was one warm up mile and then go for it. I was going to find a pace I felt I could hold between 8:30 and 8:50 and he would help me hold it. All was going good, holding at 8:40. At about 5 miles, Mark needed to make a pit stop, always a plus of racing in the woods, and told me to hold my pace and he would catch u and wait for him to catch up. A little uphill in the middle and then another crappier section between 9 and 11 ish, but I kept on pushing and pushing, barely slowing down at all. Then my gps goes out and I had no idea of my pace anymore so I tried to keep up with my breathing and steps. Then my biggest fear, after 11 miles it started evening out, which is really hard after everything else, and the mud was sticky and impossible. Fatigue started to set in and I lost some of my pace. Finally, at 12.5 Mark caught me and pushed me the last little bit, When I came towards the finish and saw the clock I knew if I pushed it I could hit every goal.
Race time 1:56:45, but they only had gun time. Watch time 1:55:58. Because I'm so competitive with myself I briefly got annoyed I had lost it on the last mile. Then I made myself realize, if you shoot for a pr, you are risking loosing it at the end, that's a risk and part of racing. I made it longer than I ever had before loosing it, and.....I just ran 13.1 miles faster that I ever have. Now how can I be disappointed in that.
So, lets celebrate with cookies and pie and fancy coffee drinks (so sue me, I crave sweets when I distance run) and then lets hit it again Monday. 16 weeks from marathon number 2
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Cons & Miles & Friends, Oh My! (Teresa's 2nd quarter review)
Half the year is done, so as we look forward to Christmas in July, it's also time to look at where I am in my goals for this year - celebrating accomplishments & adjusting plans if needed. As of June 30, here's where I am on the goals I posted at the beginning of 2014:
- Run 451.25 miles. So far I've run 342.4 miles, or 76% of my goal. Perhaps I should've aimed a bit farther?
- Bike 345.80 miles. Only 51.5 miles so far, 15% of my goal. Time to get pedaling
- Play 2 rounds of golf with my handsome & patient husband. Kevin, are you reading this? When do you want to play?
- Swim at least once a week from Memorial Day thru Labor Day, when our pool is open. Polar Vortex anyone? I've only been swimming once, and it was pretty chilly. I really did enjoy swimming in last year's Month-Long Iron Man, so I need to get out there again once it warms back up.
- Read the Bible through again. I've kept up with the plan I chose on my Bible app, and was 50% through as of 6/30/14.

Friday, July 11, 2014
Patriot Challenge 2014
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Awesome medal, great shirt, & our names on our bibs! |
You can read my recap of last year's race here (which means we've been blogging for over a year now - yay!). I was hopeful that I would have improved since I've been going to boot camp for several months, and I did! I finished in 54:17:9, over 3 minutes faster than last year. But more importantly to me, I didn't skip any of the obstacles! Last year I was unable to do any that required upper arm strength.
I still had trouble with one this year - it involved a rope hanging over the back of the bleachers, with a tire at the end of it. I had to pull the tire up until it reached a certain mark. I really struggled and that slowed me way down, but I eventually got it done. I am determined to keep working on my arm strength - some day I will be able to do a pull-up.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Bicycle Tour of 10 East Biz District

Did you know you could find all this on E 10th St?
Last week, I went on a bicycle tour of some of the businesses in the 10 East Biz District. The tour was held by the East 10th Street Civic Association, and highlighted both some of the newer businesses that have opened as part of the ongoing development of this district as well as some long-time businesses that contribute and give back to the neighborhood. Much of this development was spurred by the 2012 Super Bowl Legacy Project, but that was not the end of it, as progress continues to be made with more homes being renovated, more people moving back, and more businesses starting or relocating here. Some of the highlights of the tour for me were:Friday, June 27, 2014
Go Ape Adventure

Sunday, June 22, 2014
Weekend Recap: Raining on the Rhododendrons, Yoga on the Circle
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View from my mat after shavasana |
Laura was really looking forward to the Rhododendron 10K. She'd run it last year and placed, bringing home a cool engraved plate, and was hoping to make it a matched set. Last year, the weather was in the 50's, but this year it was not so nice. It started out incredibly hot - very unusual for Bakersville - but quickly clouded up and began to rain. It rained so hard the last three miles, Laura said she thought they might have to swim.
Despite the uncooperative weather and some leg pain from her sciatic, Laura still won 3rd in her age group! No matching plate, though - they gave engraved plaques instead. Laura plans now to take a week or so off to rest and regroup, and she'll be ready to run again soon! In the meantime, you can always catch her at Urban Athletic.
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I'm at the very left edge, just behind the chain. Photo from |
I always enjoy yoga, especially when I can practice outside, but there is something extra special about practicing with hundreds of other people like that. There's such a positive energy that fills the air.
Next up for me, the 10 East Biz District Bicycle Tour & Scavenger Hunt on Wednesday.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Rhododendron 10k
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2013 Rhododendron 5K |
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Older & Wiser: Lessons Learned From my Birthday Race
Not so awesome results |
Awesome shirt & medal |
So here are some of the lessons I learned, plus some of the highlights of what was still a really great event & one that I hope to run again next year.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Birthday Race Tattoo Suggestions?

I will be celebrating my birthday by running the Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon. And OF COURSE I'm cosrunning! I have a purple Sparkle Athletic skirt, a shirt that reads Birthday Princess, and a Bondi Band with a purple tiara. I'm adding some of my own bling too.
The only other thing my outfit needs is a couple of tattoos. Temporary, of course. (I'm way too moody to ever commit to permanent ink.) But what should they say? Fit, 46 & Fab? Running for cake? I want your best ideas.

I realize the danger in asking the internet for suggestions, so here are my ground rules. Keep them G-rated (our mom reads this blog); puns & nerdy references are welcome; you can vote for other suggestions if you like but my vote trumps all - I will wear my favorites.
Four ways to send me your suggestions:
- Comment on this blog post
- Post on our Facebook page
- Tweet to us @UglyPaxtonSis
- Tweet me @TeresaHazel411
Monday, June 2, 2014
Weekend Recap: Volunteer, Rest and a 5K
Teresa volunteered all weekend at Indy Con. She helped with registration. Despite putting long hours in with the volunteer work, she still had plenty of time to walk around and see and meet lots of interesting people. Look forward to her blog about all the details sometime this week!
Laura had a much needed rest weekend where she had no races. But the gym that she works at had Member Appreciation on Friday. They had lots of cool raffles, giveaways and food (including our mom's yummy pecan puffs).
Cindy had her first night race on Friday, the Catchin' Fireflies 5K, benefiting Lymphoma and Leukemia research. This was the most challenging 5K she has run so far, as far as hills are concerned. This is her 4th 5K along with doing an 8K that she has completed as an all run event with no walking since she finished her Couchto5K training. Since it was so hilly, no PR, but still proud she ran the whole thing. And lots of members of her run club participated, and several placed! If she is not too slack this week, perhaps she will blog about it.
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