No, my shoes didn't become possessed and take off running on their own, although if we ever add a Fiction section to this blog that might be a good short story idea.
So What Did Happen?

I volunteered last weekend at Girls on the Run 5K.
Girls on the Run is a great organization. They train girls 8-13 to run a 5K, while teaching life skills and developing self confidence and an appreciation for healthy activities. I knew it would be a lot of fun to see these girls run their first race, and it was!
It was 16 degrees on Saturday, so I bundled up. Dressing to volunteer at a race is not at all like dressing to run one. If you are debating whether you might need an extra layer, the answer is yes, you will. Runners often say "It's only cold if you're standing still", and you are standing still a lot when you volunteer. So add that extra layer, and go ahead and throw a blanket or two in the car just in case.
What About Those Shoes?

I was stationed at packet pickup, and shortly before race time I heard the announcer say that someone was in need of women's size 8 running shoes if anyone had any they could borrow. I wear size 8 shoes. I was wearing my Nike Livestrong shoes, which I don't usually run in, but they are running shoes. I use them for walking or biking, since I need running shoes with a bit more support. Since I never bothered to take my snow boots out of the car at the end of last winter, I changed into my boots and offered up my shoes to the runner in need.

I had no more volunteer duties, so I joined Jeanette to watch and cheer for the runner girls and their running buddies. There were lots of tutus, crazy colored socks, and funny hats. There were also lots of families running together, which was really neat to see.
A New PR? I Wish
Winners! |
As we moved over to the finish line, the announcer stopped us and told us that my shoes were in the lead. Sure enough, the first runner around the corner was Britany wearing my shoes (pictured, right). She hung back at the finish to let the Girl on the Run she was with finish first, since the race is really all about the Girls. Her time was 24:54:9 - the fastest any of my shoes have ever run a 5K. Maybe next year I'll try to beat my shoes, but for now that's the house record.
Hug a Runner! Share the Sweat!
Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day, aka G.O. H.A.R.D., is
tomorrow, November 20th. You can register for the virtual race for only $5.95, all of which goes to support Girls on the Run, and you'll be entered to win some fun prizes as well! Find out more about the virtual race and other fun ways to participate in Hug a Runner Day at
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