Thankful for the cloud cover |
The countdown has moved from triple-digits to double-digits: just 98 days till we run Vegas! Training is going well. This is the part I always like: I'm feeling strong and enjoying my runs and workouts.
Monday - Hills
Four rounds of long hill-short hill runs ending in strides, plus a couple extra laps just because. I can definitely tell in the 6 weeks or so I've been doing these hill workouts that they are making me stronger. I'm making some great new running friends too.
Total miles: 4
Tuesday - Cross Training

I got stuck in construction traffic on the way to BSRC, so I only did half a lap before heading off to boot camp. Since most area schools are on balanced calendars and started back this week or last week, the theme was Back To School: a countdown-style total body workout that I confess I pulled straight from Pinterest. It was a good workout though.
Total miles: 1.2
Wednesday - Rest Day
I did not get up for sunrise yoga. Actually, I did get up, but after about 10 minutes I decided to go back to bed. It wasn't so much the yoga as the thought of how I end up dragging by 3pm on these days I go into work at 7 instead of closer to 9.
Total miles: 0
Thursday - Speed

I went to Flat12 early and left about 30 minutes before our normal run time to get some extra miles in. Following my advice from last week, though, I did let Patrick know I was there and what route I would be running. Since it was the first night of GenCon, I ran down to Georgia Street and over to Capitol. I didn't see very many costumes - most people save those for Saturday - but I did see a lot of fun nerdy t-shirts. I was of course wearing my Battlestar Galactica Viper pilot double tank and channeling my inner Starbuck.
Total miles: 5
Friday - Recovery Run

Five miles, Cultural Trail to Pogues Run Trail and back, split between morning and lunch time. Friday runs are fun because I get to listen to Lindsey's podcast:
I'll Have Another. If you enjoy podcasts, I definitely recommend you give hers a listen. She always has fun and inspiring guests on, and she herself is so fun and inspiring.
Total miles: 5
Saturday - Long Run & A Surprise Race

Remember when I told you I didn't have any races in August? Well Jen remedied that for me. She messaged me earlier in the week that the church youth group had 10 entries in the Run For One 5K to benefit
Purchased.org, and they didn't have 10 runners going so I was welcome to join them. I got up early Saturday and ran 6.2 miles before sunrise, then showered and changed (why? who knows?) and met Jen and the youth at Southeastway Park. It's a beautiful place to run. There was a lot of shade and a nice breeze on the paved running trail. The race was untimed, but my watch showed a time of 35:15, average pace of 11:23. Not bad for running a 5K after running a 10K. It was a fun event, with Chick-Fil-A sandwiches and a Zumba cool-down after the race. Since I was only at 9.3 miles and I needed 10, I then hit the woodland trails around the park. I really felt like I could keep going all morning, but I'm sticking to my training plan so I stopped at 0.7 miles.
Total miles: 10
Sunday - Rest Day

Today didn't feel very restful. I went straight from church to the airport, where I then had to wait for a delayed flight. I feel like all I did was sit, but yet I'm really tired for all that sitting and waiting. But I'm safely here in Detroit now. I can see Canada from my hotel room, but I can't go there. I keep meaning to renew my expired passport, but $165 is 5 or 6 race entry fees. Maybe I need to sign up for a race in Canada? That would motivate me.
Total miles: 0 (since I didn't track walking through airports)
Total weekly miles: 25.5
Total training miles to date: 81.05
Up Next
I'm in Detroit all week for work. This is the continuation of the training I started last fall in Philadelphia. I had plenty of time there for
running and sightseeing, and I plan to do the same here. If anyone has any recommendations for what to see or where to run while I'm here, leave a comment or send me a message. I'm looking forward to checking out a new city.
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