But, 2017 is here and as always my calendar is filling up with things I'm looking forward to. The Fast Bottom Girls have dubbed 2017 the Year of Adventure, and you'll see me using that hashtag often on Instagram & Twitter. Soon it will be time to start spring training, but of course I never stopped running, so I'm ready to start working hard again.
Holiday Recap

Then I had a weekend full of parties, getting together with the ladies supper club, the BGR Winter Takeover where we made awesome medal hangers, and the FBG Christmas party where we pulled out planners and journals to work on our 2017 goals.

Christmas day was nice - I went to church in the morning, then out for Chinese food for lunch with Josh. Next we met Kimmy & Colin at the theater to see Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Wow - definitely go see this if you haven't already! Then all of us went back to the house where we were joined by Nick & Micah, and it was delightful to have everyone all together for a little while.

2017: Year of Adventure
Our FBG destination race this year is the Southernmost Half Marathon and Running Festival in Key West in October. I've never been to Key West, so I'm super-excited about this trip. I'm running the half on Saturday and the 5K on Sunday for the SoMo Challenge. And we are working on mermaid outfits for the race, and you know those will be super-cute!

I haven't actually decided on a Spring half. I kind of need to be an adult and see how things go with the house before I start spending money and committing to races and travel plans. I am running the Great Chocolate Race 10 Miler in March with the FBG, and the Run Forrest Run 10K in April up in South Bend (another place I've never been).
Overall for the year I've committed to run at least 1000 miles. The challenge for me will not be in running all that - I think I probably actually did that last year. The challenge will be in logging all my miles to keep track. I deal with numbers all day long, so I don't really like to keep a training log or running totals or anything longer than a couple of months.
A fun event that has nothing to do with running: I will be Returning to Roswell (NM) in June for the New Beetle Car Show. Josh, Starr and I went in 2003 and had a great time. I'm really excited to be going again. A couple of other non-running goals: reading 53 books this year (1 more than last year), and reading the Bible through again.
Overall for the year I've committed to run at least 1000 miles. The challenge for me will not be in running all that - I think I probably actually did that last year. The challenge will be in logging all my miles to keep track. I deal with numbers all day long, so I don't really like to keep a training log or running totals or anything longer than a couple of months.
A fun event that has nothing to do with running: I will be Returning to Roswell (NM) in June for the New Beetle Car Show. Josh, Starr and I went in 2003 and had a great time. I'm really excited to be going again. A couple of other non-running goals: reading 53 books this year (1 more than last year), and reading the Bible through again.
While that's all the definite plans I have, there are some other ideas floating around in my head that I hope to make happen this year too.
Laura's Updates

Laura has been selected to be an ambassador for Feed Your Crazy running gear, and she is going to be on the newly formed FootRx trail ultra team, along with Mark and Alice. Let's hope one of her team duties is to blog and tell us all about their adventures.
Thank you Teresa, my plan is to blog more this year. Hopefully I can do it.