I am happy to report that my vertigo seems to have cleared up. Tuesday & Wednesday it was just awful. Not coming & going like before but constant, leaving me exhausted by the end of the work day. The congestion from my allergies was the worst those days too so I really believe that was the cause. Thursday both started to get better though, and today I haven't experienced any vertigo at all. I even started car dancing again with no ill effects.
I skipped out on my training Monday & Tuesday because I just felt so off. But not running didn't feel right either. So Wednesday morning I got up and ran a couple of miles before work. I'm not normally a morning runner, but I had a lot to do that evening and I didn't want to skip another day. Besides, I needed to break in my new shoes! Very comfortable!

Thursday was Josh's birthday. How is it possible that he's 25? How am I old enough to have a baby who's 25? He was 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 21 inches long when he was born. You could already see that he had red hair. So cute! Now he's over 6 feet tall. He wants to be a wilderness guide, and he spent most of his birthday money on camping gear.
Since Josh's birthday extravaganza was Thursday evening, I again got up and ran in the morning, 3 miles this time. I'm starting to see the appeal of morning running. I feel the power and energy from my run stay with me all day. It's different than those evening runs that discharge all the stress I've built up. Maybe I'll just start doing both, on days when I have time anyway.
Friday I did it again: 5 morning miles this time. It was foggy and looked like fall, but still felt humid like summer. The only problem I see with morning runs is that it will be hard to vary my route enough to keep from getting bored. I don't want to drive somewhere else to run, then have to come back home & get ready for work. That will all take up too much time. But there are only so many ways I can loop around my neighborhood.
Saturday I had 16 miles on the training plan. The weather forecast looked like mid afternoon was going to give me the best chance of avoiding the storms, but still wouldn't be too hot. Since Vegas starts at 4:30 pm and finishes at night, running late like that gives me a chance to also practice how & when I will eat for a night race.
Breakfast was a big bowl of oatmeal made with milk, chia seeds and peanut butter, and a cup of coffee. Lots of water through the day, but stopping at least 90 minutes before time to run. Lunch was a small salad and some lobster mac & cheese leftover from Josh's birthday extravaganza.
This was a new recipe that turned out really good. I used artificial lobster meat, but the good Amish cheese. And of course I left out the onion and chives since it was for Josh. Still very yummy!

I felt good and strong for most of my run. I parked at the Legacy Center and ran 4 miles north on the Monon Trail, to just by the Fairgrounds. Then I walked for just a couple of minutes while I ate some Honey Stinger chews. I ran back to 10th Street then ran the small portion of the Pogues Run Trail that's complete - down and back - then back to the Legacy Center. I was at 8.8 miles when I got to my car so I ran around the parking lot to make it 9 before I stopped to swap out my water bottle, drink some Nuun (salted watermelon flavor!) and take a gel. Then I headed out on Saint Clair Street to pick up the Cultural Trail. I ran that loop all the way around. At 13 miles I walked again for a couple of minutes while I ate some more chews. I was drinking more water on this part of my run, because I finished my water bottle off and started looking for somewhere to refill it or buy one. Indy really needs some water fountains.
Maybe that's why we are only 45th on the top 50 cities to run. Yats on Mass Ave let me refill. I was at 14.5 miles by then and could've made it anyway, but I just get so thirsty I wanted more. I had to go all the way to 10th Street again, run the Pogues Run trail down and back again, and still do 2 circles around the Legacy Center parking lot, but I got my 16 miles done. Afterward, I was tired, thirsty and hungry, and my toes were a little tender, but nothing really hurt.
Total weekly miles: 31.7
Total training miles to date: 229.35
Up Next
This Saturday: the
Indy Women's Half! I always look forward to this race, because I know so many of my friends will be there. There are a lot of nice touches to this race, too. Roses, soldiers giving us our medals, mimosas.... I'm the 3 Hour Pacer, so I'm not going for a PR but maybe I'll be helping a few people reach one, which will be even more fun.
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