We're restarting our blog, with a slightly different twist. Each week, we're going to watch a zombie movie, and then analyze our training to see how/if it would help us if that particular zombie apocalypse happened. If you're like us, you've gotten a little bit discouraged with training during 2020, since races seem to keep getting canceled. This is a way to to keep us engaged & active; and if you want to play along, we'll let you know each week what movie we plan to watch. Fast zombies, shambling zombies, rage zombies.... We hope to survive them all!
Catching Up 
YTD, Big Sis Teresa has run/walked/biked/hiked 3,170.69 miles so far this year. That includes the Great Smoky Mountains Half, the Beaver Chase Urban Trail quarter marathon, Run(317) Carmel/Westfield and Speedway, and several virtual races. Can zombies run that far? I think not!
Cindy, Scott, and Teresa are all participating in Ride Owltober, a virtual challenge that encourages
people to get out & participate in whatever activity they enjoy, while raising money for Warren Wilson College men's & women's cycling teams. We hope you'll join us! Only $15 to get involved!
people to get out & participate in whatever activity they enjoy, while raising money for Warren Wilson College men's & women's cycling teams. We hope you'll join us! Only $15 to get involved!
This Week
We're watching Romero's Night of the Living Dead A classic that premiered the same year Teresa did, it still speaks to issues society is dealing with today. Going forward, we hope to share some of our fave zombie movies with you, and we're happy to entertain suggestions if you have some you'd like to share as well. Please comment if you have any fave zompoc fiction you'd like us to train for!