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"Damn train!" - the zombies, probably |
Monday, October 19, 2020
Train to Busan
Monday, October 12, 2020
Warm Bodies
occasionally venturing out to search for supplies and resources. There are actually two types of zombies in this movie. The first are Corpses - the more recently deceased who shamble around looking for living creatures to eat. They can still think somewhat, although they don't remember much about their life, they do know they were once alive. Though they mostly shamble and wander, when they see living creatures and feel that fierce hunger, they move much faster and attack with surprising strength. The other kind of zombies are Boneys. They've been dead much longer, and are basically animated skeletons. They still eat the living, but they no longer have any connection to being human. They're much faster and stronger than Corpses, and are dangerous to both humans and Corpses.
Was I Last? No!
stopped halfway through the race and had a White Claw at Sarah's open house, I still finished 452nd out of 568 runners. The zombies would have a lot to eat before they ever caught up to me.
This Week
Monday, October 5, 2020
Night of the Living Dead
Last week we watched George Romero's Night of the Living Dead, the groundbreaking 1968 movie that contributed a lot to what we now accept as common zombie knowledge - zombies as reanimated recently dead that eat the living and can only be killed by destroying the head. The zombies in this movie don't run, but they don't exactly shamble either. They walk at a pretty good pace. They're also smart enough to use tools, like using rocks to break the car windows to get at Barbara. One or two zombies can be easily fought off, but a large group is definitely a threat. If you find a safe place to hole up, though, like Ben does in the cellar of the farmhouse, they will eventually give up trying to get in and wander off.
Was I Last? Yes and No.

I would have been last this week against Romero's zombies. I have been dealing with septic issues and several days have not been able to stay at home; therefore, Ride Owltober is off to a slow start. But a zombie could fall in the hole in the backyard if I was only being chased by one, or slip and fall in the water in the basement. We'll try to find the positive in it!
This Week
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Training for the ZomPoc
We're restarting our blog, with a slightly different twist. Each week, we're going to watch a zombie movie, and then analyze our training to see how/if it would help us if that particular zombie apocalypse happened. If you're like us, you've gotten a little bit discouraged with training during 2020, since races seem to keep getting canceled. This is a way to to keep us engaged & active; and if you want to play along, we'll let you know each week what movie we plan to watch. Fast zombies, shambling zombies, rage zombies.... We hope to survive them all!
Catching Up 
people to get out & participate in whatever activity they enjoy, while raising money for Warren Wilson College men's & women's cycling teams. We hope you'll join us! Only $15 to get involved!
This Week
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Who's ready for the Inaugural 465 Challenge?
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
A Love Letter to my Friends

- Kathy came out to Blue Mile and ran with me on Saturdays while I was training;
- the Fast Bottom Girls worked one of the water stops (around mile 15 or so I think) and ran with me for a little while;
- Lindsey was at the Athletic Annex water stop around mile 19 and gave me some jelly beans and ran with me;
- I met and ran with Jen (running her 120-somethingth marathon) from mile 20 to 24 and saw her again at the finish;
- Jeanette was at mile 26 cheering and taking pictures;
- Beth met me at the finish line with flowers;
- and Matt & Tim were there in the gear check tent to congratulate me.

When you see me post #hazelstrong, know that it's just an abbreviation. What I'm really saying is #hazelisonlystrongbecausesomanyfriendsarecarryingher

Thursday, February 16, 2017
PR Motivation

I wasn't even planning to try for a PR. I've been running a lot of miles lately to keep my 20 mile/week average, and the Friday night before the race I did a really hard incline/speed workout on the treadmill (thanks Brandi!), so I expected my legs to be tired, but I actually felt great.
I run a different strategy in a 3 miler or 5K than I do in a longer race. I usually just go ahead and go as fast as I feel like running from the very beginning. Not sprinting, but not holding back either. I think in such a short race that if I try to hold back and pace myself, I will hold back too much and not have time to make it up, so I would rather go at the start, even if I slow down some at the end. Most times I don't ever slow down, because once that VOICE starts trying to tell me I have to or I'll never make it, I'm usually already past halfway and I know it's lying.
Last weekend, though, I got a bit of an extra motivational push. Just after halfway, I saw a guy two blocks ahead of me wearing a Duke shirt. And this was only 2 days after Duke beat UNC in a very close game. Sorry Dookie, your team might have beat mine, but you weren't going to beat me. I kicked up my pace a little and passed the Duke fan, resisting the urge to trash talk in case he felt like pulling a Grayson Allen on me, and kept pushing all the way to the finish. Dude never had a chance to catch back up. I did look for him after the race to tell him how he motivated me, but I never saw him.
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Ringing the PR Bell! |
It's not just that race or dudes in Dook shirts. I actually am running faster lately. I didn't PR Sunday's Hook-Up 5K, but I came as close as I ever have when I wasn't being paced. And tonight I ran my personal best at our Thursday Night Run Club: 10:45 pace including stoplights. I don't know who swapped legs with me, but you can't have them back! I'm sure I have a bad run coming up - they can't all be good - but lately I've felt really strong and I'm enjoying every run.
Side note on my outfit in the picture at the beginning: that is not what I wore in Saturday's race, although now I wish I had. It's actually from last year's Race For Roofs, which was on the same day UNC played IU in the Sweet 16 (Hoo-Hoo-Hoosiers went down 101-86, in case you don't remember). The Race for Roofs has been moved from March to July this year, but I'm sure the outfit will make an appearance again sometime during March Madness.
Coming Up: The Polar Bear is this weekend! I'm running The Bear (5K + 5 Mile), and the weather looks to be just perfect, so it should be a lot of fun.