Here's why I give the Honey Waffle an A+:
- Flavor - It tastes like an ice cream waffle cone soaked in honey. YUM! What else is there to say here?
- Texture - I'd say that's a pretty accurate description of the texture, too: a waffle cone soaked in honey. There's no crispiness to it - the honey makes it pretty moist and soft, but not too soft to handle & eat. There's also no stickiness. It definitely needs to be eaten with water, though. Unlike the fruity gels & jelly beans I've tried which increase the moisture in my mouth with chewing, this does the opposite. It's still easy enough to eat on the run with water, though.
- Energy - This gets the highest marks for energy of any supplement I've tried yet. On a day when the heat & humidity were combining to make me feel like I was running under a wet blanket, I was really feeling drained at mile 5 when I ate half the wafer. A quarter-mile later, I was surprised by the burst of energy that made me feel as fresh as if I had just started. It only lasted a couple of miles, by which point I had run out of water, so I didn't eat the other half. But that's my fault, not the waffle.
- Packaging - It's in a little water-proof package which I opened with scissors at the top before starting my run. It barely fit in the pocket of my runner's belt. In fact, I think I crushed a little of it off zipping it in there. But the rest held up just fine.
- Bonus - the waffles are all natural & certified organic. No chemicals, additives, or preservatives. And no caffeine.
I like the stingers too. I carried mine around for a few races and it was crumbled, but like you said earlier, that was my fault, not the waffle.